Development Initiatives

More Light, More Opportunities

Hey Friends,

Happy May!

We look forward to spending another month with you.

Allow us to share how Jenn, Herode, and other members of the Second Mile team collaborated with neighbors in Saint Raphaël to end the month of April with an illuminating salute.

Last Thursday, we made the bumpy trek to our Saint-Raphaël Family Center to install another round of solar-powered streetlamps!

By now we’ve developed a system that runs on plenty of pre-orchestrated teamwork.

Here’s how it works:

Second Mile Haiti provides the poles, the solar street lamps, and the tools  to assemble them. The community comes bearing water, rocks, concrete and helping hands.

Together, we were able to install 40 solar powered street lamps to light the way for birthing people to reach our center and improve the overall safety of families in this area.

Not only that, these street lamps offer extended business hours for many local families who sell food and other goods, day and night.

Consumers too, are no longer worried about running out of something important, or finding something to eat after daylight hours.

Everybody wins!

To date, we have installed 300 solar street lamps in 8 villages.

Want to know a bit more about the lamps?

They are durable!

Out of the 300 we have placed, only 2 have been damaged due to being hit by a big truck, and only one stopped working and needed to be replaced.

Not terrible odds, eh?

This vital work wouldn’t be possible without your support. We are grateful that women in labor will no longer have to travel in darkness to safely deliver their babies at Birth Center in Saint-Raphaël.

Thank you.

Before we let you go, we must enjoy a mini ‘Happy Agriculture and Labor Day’ celebration, together.

The holiday lands on May 1st and is significant to Haiti because of it’s rich history. Producing food is one of Haiti’s many strengths. It’s an exercise of independence, a song of freedom.

This photo from last Friday captures the joy that a fruit tree can bring to a family.

Families at our Malnutrition Centers get to welcome a new sapling to their home orchard each week. The variety ranges from mango and avocado to breadfruit and moringa! To date, we have been able to share 3,330 edible plants with the community.

Bon fet Agrikilti e Travay

Happy Agriculture and Labor Day!

❤️ from Haiti